In 1994, Guadalupe Ramirez founded Asociacion de Mujeres del Altiplano (AMA) in the highlands of Guatemala. AMA is an organization that works with Maya women to increase their capacity, to adapt to economic, social and climatic changes by creating new strategies for a sustainable life. AMA implements several programs to provide opportunities to create a brighter future themselves, their families and their communities.

Through the House of Design Pixan, AMA’s artisan social enterprise and production house, a team of over 100 weavers, tailors, embroiders and leather-workers are on hand to produce unique collections inspired by the richness of the Maya culture.

Rooted in a weaving and textile tradition, dating back thousands of years, Pixan offers an ethical and fair-trade production service to bring accessories, home decor or clothing designs to life while also paying a fair living wage to our artisan members.

Last August, Guadalupe participated in the Market Readiness Program™ (MRP), a 4 ½ day program that provides intensive preparation for entry into the US market and vital information for building successful export businesses, along other 26 participants from around the world.

Recently, ATA visited Guadalupe’s store, AlterNatives, in Richmond, VA to discuss her experience at the MRP and what AMA has currently been working on.